Important Notice
Please Avoid this Type of mistakes or errors in the future
Wallet TopUp Related
Sending 1 or more than days after sending their bank deposited slip later
Sending Wrong Deposited Slips or old Slips
Sending Unclear or Low Quality Image Deposited Slips
Deposited Slips not Sented and informing Call Method
TopUp Needed Our not working time ( Before 8am and After 10pm)
Deposited Low amount Thire Minimum TopUp
Asking Before TopUp "Can i TopUp" "Can You add money" Questions
not sended ezcash withdrawal fees (1000 :20)
Recharge Related
Choosing Wrong Provider
Recharging with "0" (077xxx / 072xxx)
Unregistered eZ Cash or MCash Account TopUp Trying
Refund or Reversal Asking
Wrong Package Amount Recharging
Postpaid Number Recharging Prepaid or Prepaid Number Recharging Postpaid
we are warning you all about this as a company and we have to follow one setup rule, please avoid this type of mistake we can't waste our time or man power. for these things. but we always willing to help you with for proper issues.
in future we get 15 to 30 minutes for your topup process so kindly wait if you not get that payments more than 30 minutes after inform our whatsapp.
resellers always following their minimum topup amount up to 1000 if you think you are a reseller so can always get bulk amounts for Sales.
ez cash system as always need withdrawal fees if you need ezcash topup methods 1000 - 20 charge needed so always sending with fee.
Send us the bank deposit slip on the same day. Deposit slips sent late are not cashable.
Please note that if customers do not make any rate top up for more than 30 days your account will be suspended and account activation fee of Rs.500 will be charged.